FlowSkies is a Co-publisher specialized in community management, advanced know-how in public engagement through the craft of an ecosystem designed to drive the community closer with the games they love, creating an immersive environment in which the player will have several people who to speak to about their passion.


| Our Missiono is to bring amazing Anime-style games to Brazil and to the Latin America region. You can count on our experience to get your product’s target audience engaged and ready to enjoy the game all around the Brazilian and Latin American market scene!


| Our team is ready to provide our services to your business, such as digital marketing, social media, community management, player support and language localization.



Everything starts here. Every successful overseas project that comes to Latin America have been trough a meticulous process of localization.

Social Media

Now that we’re on the online presence subject, let’s get to social media! Any social media outlet will be constantly updated with news and, if agreed upon, our team will be ready to constantly interact and keep the users engaged and happy.

Community management

Community management is what keeps the game alive. A united front keeps the player base healthy and engaged, it is something that goes beyond Social Media and Digital Marketing.

Digital Marketing

A respectable mien on the online market is quintessential. Our goal is not only to have presence, but to be constantly impactful, keeping both target audience and potential sponsors interested on the company’s product.

Customer Support

To assure player satisfaction and feedback reception, something important to pay mind to is how ready is your Customer Support to handle unprecedented events. A competent and dedicated team is essential to bring customers a quick answer to their issues. 


Feel free to contact us!

Fill the form below or e-mail us via contact@flowskies.com

©2020~2024 FlowSkies. Todos os direitos reservados.